B Sides

How can we explode the possibility of a fixed perspective?
B Sides plays on the musical concept of the b-side, or the flipside, which usually denotes the “less important” side of a record, the “second half” or a “way to add value” to a pop single. Volunteer performers from the audience activate B Sides by stepping into one of the roles described by “dance cards” in the installation. Dancers cue their movements based on audience members’ interpretations of musical prompts, and create both an individualized experience for volunteer performers, as well as a larger composition for a seated audience.
Co-created with Katie Schetlick.
B Sides has been performed at NADA Hudson (2011), Movement Research @ Judson Church (2011), Dixon Place Under Exposed (2011), Anne Zuerner’s RoofShow in Bushwick (2011), New York University (2012), and The Hemispheric Institute’s 8th Encuentro in São Paulo, Brazil (2013).
Photos: Alex Escalante